Controlled Latent Space Sampling for Antimicrobial Peptide Design
A dataset of peptide sequences used for training and testing the proposed CLaSS method for controlled generation of antimicrobial peptides. -
A general framework for learning perturbation sets from data when the perturbation cannot be mathematically-defined. -
Convolutional Autoencoder Echo State Network (CAE-ESN) for Turbulent Flow Pre...
The dataset is a two-dimensional turbulent flow, analyzed using a convolutional autoencoder echo state network (CAE-ESN) for spatiotemporal decomposition and prediction of... -
USPS Handwritten binary Alphadigits Dataset
The USPS Handwritten binary Alphadigits dataset consists of binary images with size 20 × 16, with digits of “0” through “9” and capital “A” through “Z”, with 39 examples of each... -
A study of the behavior of several methods for balancing machine learning tra...
A study of the behavior of several methods for balancing machine learning training data -
A machine-learning data set prepared from the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory...
A machine-learning data set prepared from the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory mission. -
Custom function
The dataset used in the paper is the custom function, which is a 2-dimensional function with 6 categorical variables. -
Wing weight model
The dataset used in the paper is the wing weight model, which is a 2-dimensional function with 3 categorical variables. -
Effective potential model
The dataset used in the paper is the effective potential model, which is a 2-dimensional function with 5 categorical variables. -
Piston simulator model
The dataset used in the paper is the piston simulator model, which is a 2-dimensional function with 3 categorical variables. -
OLT circuit model
The dataset used in the paper is the OLT circuit model, which is a 2-dimensional function with 3 categorical variables. -
Borehole function
The dataset used in the paper is the borehole function, which is a 8-dimensional function with 3 categorical variables. -
Cats and Dogs
This dataset contains images of cats and dogs, which is used for training deep neural networks. -
Disentangle Sample Size and Initialization Effect on Perfect Generalization f...
The dataset used in the paper is a two-layer neural network with a single-neuron target function. -
OpenML: Networked science in machine learning
Networked science in machine learning. -
Membership-Mappings for Data Representation
The dataset is used to represent data points through attribute values using measure theoretic basis for fuzzy theoretic analytical deep models. -
Calibration tests in multi-class classification: A unifying framework
Calibration tests in multi-class classification: A unifying framework