12 datasets found

Groups: Music Formats: JSON Object Type: dataset

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  • IDMT-SMT-Audio-Effects dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is the IDMT-SMT-Audio-Effects dataset, which contains individual 2-second notes and covers the common pitch range of various 6-string electric...
  • Piano-midi.de

    Polyphonic music tasks characterized by multivariate time-series. The analysis is performed in terms of efficiency and prediction accuracy on 4 polyphonic music tasks.
  • Mozart Dataset

    The dataset used for training the model consists of 13 pieces of Mozart, 989 pieces for validation, and 11,821 pieces for testing.
  • MUSAN: A Music, Speech, and Noise Corpus

    MUSAN is a Music, Speech, and Noise Corpus.
  • Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier Book One and Two

    Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier Book One (WTC B1) and Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier Book Two (WTC B2) datasets.
  • Music Corpus

    The dataset used for term clustering to build a modular ontology according to core ontology from domain-specific text.
  • Bach Chorales

    The Bach Chorales dataset is used to evaluate the quality of fake samples generated with the Generative Adversarial Networks framework.
  • Theremin Dataset

    The dataset used for training a robotic agent to play the theremin instrument using time-dependent goals.
  • Million Song Dataset

    Million Song Dataset is a collection of audio features and metadata for a million contemporary pop songs. Instead of storing any audio, the dataset consists of features derived...
  • Last.FM

    Last.FM is a dataset containing musician listening information from a set of 2 thousand users from Last.fm online music system.
  • Just Dance dataset

    A new dance dataset containing synchronized dance motion, music, and lyrics, providing a more comprehensive resource for research in this area.
  • MojimLyrics

    A Chinese-language dataset of popular song lyrics for future research.
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