H-Fac: Memory-Efficient Optimization with Factorized Hamiltonian Descent
The dataset used in this study is a benchmark for evaluating the performance of memory-efficient optimizers. -
Multi-armed Bandit dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a set of rewards for a multi-armed bandit problem. -
Power Module Layout Design Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of 36 parameters involving the layout-design of components of a class of power module, and performance factors in terms of control... -
CEC2013 Benchmark Functions
The dataset used in this paper is the CEC2013 benchmark functions. -
Environment Optimization for Multi-Agent Navigation
The dataset used in the paper is a 2-D environment with a starting region S, a destination region D, and an obstacle region ∆. The environment is described by a starting region... -
CEC-2017 Benchmark Functions
The CEC-2017 benchmark functions dataset is used to evaluate the performance of optimization algorithms. It contains 30 functions with different characteristics, including... -
Minimum Impurity Partition Under Constraints
The dataset used in the paper is a partitioned output dataset with a concave constraint. -
Dixon-Price function dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a high-dimensional Dixon-Price function. -
Rosenbrock function dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a 30-dimensional Rosenbrock function. -
Evolutionary optimization of an experimental apparatus
The dataset used for the optimization of an experimental apparatus, consisting of 21 correlated parameters. -
Elliptic Optimal Control Problems
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of examples for testing the proposed neural solver for distributed elliptic optimal control problems. -
Two-phase protein folding optimization on a 3D AB off-lattice model
Two-phase optimization for protein folding optimization on a three-dimensional AB off-lattice model -
Copying Memory Task
The dataset used in the paper is the copying memory task, which consists in remembering a sequence of letters from some alphabet A = {ak}N k=1. -
Test function for hierarchical search spaces
The dataset used in the paper is a simple test function with a discontinuity at x1 = c, x2 = 0.5. The function is unimodal if b = 0, bimodal if b > 0, and has a discontinuity... -
NL4Opt Generation Dataset
The NL4Opt Generation Dataset consists of 1101 examples, divided into the train, dev, and test splits composed of 713, 99, and 289 examples, respectively. Each example consists... -
Ridge Regression Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset for ridge regression problem over a network of agents, modeled as a Erdos-Renyi graph with m = 30 nodes and edge probability... -
Beale function
The Beale function is a widely used optimization problem that has a single saddle point at (0, 1). -
3-d Gaussian Data
The dataset used in the paper is a 3-d Gaussian distributed dataset. -
Component Decoupled Data
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset generated by the component decoupled model described in Section 3. -
Optimizing for the Future in Non-Stationary MDPs
The authors propose two algorithms for optimizing for the future in non-stationary MDPs.