63 datasets found

Groups: Regression

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  • DB 2

    The dataset used in this paper is a regression problem, and it is a real-world regression task, that is, DB 2 contains 950 observations with nine input variables and one output...
  • DB 1

    The dataset used in this paper is a regression problem, and it is a function approximation example, that is, DB 1 was generated by a real-valued function [27]: f (x) =...
  • Fisher's Iris dataset

    Fisher's Iris dataset is a multivariate dataset introduced by Sir Ronald Fisher in his 1936 paper "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems". It contains 150...
  • Ridge Regression Dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset for ridge regression problem over a network of agents, modeled as a Erdos-Renyi graph with m = 30 nodes and edge probability...
  • Bank

    Bank dataset from 2014. The dataset contains 41188 records of direct marketing campaigns of a Portuguese banking institution corresponding to each client contacted. We chose 6...
  • Crash risk prediction model

    Crash risk prediction model based on Bayesian logistic regression.
  • Radon

    The Radon dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm.
  • Autoencoder-Based Regression Dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is a sampled dataset for autoencoder-based regression models.
  • Diabetes

    Python has gained widespread popularity in the fields of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data engineering due to its effectiveness and extensive libraries. R, on...
  • Two Moons

    The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used the two moons dataset for experiments.
  • Regression datasets

    The dataset used for regression settings, including Ozone, Machine, MPG, Boston, Student, and Abalone.
  • Consistance de la minimisation du risque empirique pour l’optimisation de l’e...

    The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that it is a class of regression models GN.
  • Airbnb dataset

    The Airbnb dataset is a large dataset containing information about apartments for rent in Chicago. The dataset includes features such as neighborhood, number of beds, amenities,...
  • Polynomial Regression Model

    The dataset used in the paper is a Bayesian network with a non-conjugate polynomial regression model, with global-only latent variables.
  • Micromass dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
  • CNAE dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
  • Parkinsons dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
  • Diabetes dataset

    The Diabetes dataset contains 10 variables-dimensions for a sample size (number of points) of 442 and a target (label) variable which quantifies diabetes progress.
  • California Housing Dataset

    The California Housing Dataset is a dataset containing information about housing prices in California, with nine features and a target variable of median house price.
  • Adult Census Income

    Adult Census Income dataset is used to evaluate the fairness of deep learning models. It contains information about individuals in the United States, including age, sex,...
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