PennML Benchmark Suite
The PennML benchmark suite consists of over 90 regression problems and provides a performance overview of several common regression algorithms. -
YearPredictionMSD Dataset
The dataset used in the paper for hyper-parameter tuning using transient cloud resources. -
Epsilon Dataset
The dataset used in the paper for hyper-parameter tuning using transient cloud resources. -
SARCOS regression dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a SARCOS regression dataset, which contains 44,484 training samples and 4,449 testing samples. -
Universal distribution of the coverage in split conformal prediction
The dataset used in the paper is a regression dataset with exchangeable data. -
Housing dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real-world dataset for housing prices. -
Synthetic dataset for regression tasks with corrupted data and heavy-tailed n...
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset for regression tasks with corrupted data and heavy-tailed noise. -
IDRC 2002 Shootout
The shootout dataset is a regression dataset containing information about the reflectance spectra of pharmaceutical tablets. -
Ames Housing dataset
The Ames housing data contains information about houses in the Ames, Iowa neighborhood, including the number of bedrooms, square footage, and other features. -
1-dimensional toy dataset
The 1-dimensional toy dataset is a small dataset of regression tasks, each task represented by a single value. -
Fisher's Iris dataset
Fisher's Iris dataset is a multivariate dataset introduced by Sir Ronald Fisher in his 1936 paper "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems". It contains 150... -
Crash risk prediction model
Crash risk prediction model based on Bayesian logistic regression. -
Regression datasets
The dataset used for regression settings, including Ozone, Machine, MPG, Boston, Student, and Abalone. -
Airbnb dataset
The Airbnb dataset is a large dataset containing information about apartments for rent in Chicago. The dataset includes features such as neighborhood, number of beds, amenities,... -
Micromass dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. -
CNAE dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. -
Parkinsons dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. -
Diabetes dataset
The Diabetes dataset contains 10 variables-dimensions for a sample size (number of points) of 442 and a target (label) variable which quantifies diabetes progress.