EXO-Prime2 dataset
The dataset contains 53,130 spectra of cold, Earth-like planets with 6 major surfaces. -
LAMOST DR2 Spectra
The dataset is a collection of spectra of stars from the LAMOST DR2 survey. -
Ondřejov 2 m Perek Telescope Spectra
The dataset is a collection of spectra of stars from the Ondřejov 2 m Perek telescope. -
LAMOST DR2 Emission-Line Stars
The dataset is a collection of spectra of emission-line stars from the LAMOST DR2 survey. -
ChemCam LIBS dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) dataset, which contains raw and denoised spectra obtained from a variety of targets (e.g., rocks,... -
IDRC 2018
A spectroscopy application for regression, where the data is already smooth and is available at https://www.cnir.org/content.aspx?page id=22&club id=409746&module...