National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) dataset
National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) dataset -
US Department of Transportation. 2017 CFS Preliminary Data Bureau of Transpor...
This paper presents a dataset of freight trucking emissions, public health and climate damages, and distributional effects. -
Freight Analysis Framework - FHWA Freight Management and Operations
This paper presents a dataset of freight trucking emissions, public health and climate damages, and distributional effects. -
Uber Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a real-world dataset from Uber, containing 4.5 million Uber pickups in New York City from April to September 2014, and 14.3 million Uber... -
Vehicle Collision Dataset and Crime in Vancouver Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real-world dataset of vehicle collisions in New York City and crime data in Vancouver. -
OpenStreetMap data
OpenStreetMap data used to capture the influence of urban features on bus ridership. -
GHG Emission Prediction at Road Link-level
The dataset used in this paper for GHG emission prediction at road link-level. -
SFwork and SFshop datasets
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of empirical choice data from transportation preferences around the San Francisco Bay Area. -
SF Bay Area traffic rates
The dataset contains daily traffic data for the Bay Area. -
NYC Taxi Data
The dataset used in this paper is NYC taxi data from 2009 to 2015. It contains trip information including pick-up/drop-off locations and pick-up/drop-off times. -
Expo Line Study Dataset
The dataset contains household-level personal vehicle CO2 emissions data for the Expo Line study. -
Mobilität.Leben-App with an example of the collected data -
A nationwide experiment: fuel tax cuts and almost free public transport for three months in Germany - Report 1 Study design, recruiting and participation -
OpenStreetMap data of six cities across three continents
OpenStreetMap data of six cities across three continents. The datasets are used to analyze the causal relationships between urban form and travel CO2 emissions. -
Urban form data of six cities across three continents
Urban form data of six cities across three continents. The datasets are used to analyze the causal relationships between urban form and travel CO2 emissions. -
Mobility data of six cities across three continents
Mobility data of six cities across three continents. The datasets are used to analyze the causal relationships between urban form and travel CO2 emissions. -
Vehicle Energy Dataset (VED)
The Vehicle Energy Dataset (VED) is a large-scale dataset for vehicle energy consumption analysis. -
Smart Containers With Bidding Capacity: A Policy Gradient Algorithm for Semi-...
The dataset used in this paper is a set of instances with attributes such as time till due date, job transport distance, job volume, holding cost, penalty failed job, and... -
New York City Taxi Network
The dataset is a collection of New York City taxi data, and the authors use it to demonstrate the utility of the hitting probability metric for structure detection, dimension...