Companies Dataset
A dataset of global companies Licensed © as noted on each entity, internal only -
Corruption Dataset
CPI dataset Licensed CC-BY-ND 4.0 by Transparency International -
Countries Dataset
Get countries data from Wikidata, especially alternative labels as well as ISO2/ISO3 country codes to empower the linking of the several datasets. Licensed CC0 -
Country Statistics Dataset
Get countries' data from Wikidata, especially alternative labels as well as ISO2/ISO3 country codes, to empower the linking of several datasets. Licensed CC-BY-4.0 by SDG Tracker -
DALICC Dataset
License graph from DaliCC framework MIT License -
Disaster Dataset
A dataset of GDACS and Reliefweb diaster event APIs. Licensed by GDACS / Reliefweb -
EM-DAT Dataset
A dataset with disaster events Licensed Citation 'EM-DAT, CRED / UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium – www.emdat.be -
Exiobase Dataset
Global macro-economic supply chain dependencies Licensed CC-BY-SA by the EXIOBASE consortium -
GDACS Dataset
Licensed CC-BY-4.0 by the European Union -
Genesis Dataset
German observations of foreign trade Licensed DL-DE->BY-2.0 by Statistisches Bundesamt Germany -
Geoboundaries Datasets
Administrative boundaries of level 0 and 1 (country and state) from Geoboundaries Licensed Citation 'Runfola, D. et al. (2020) geoBoundaries: A global database of political... -
GLEIF Dataset
Company ownership information Licensed CC0 -
GTA Dataset
Global trade sanctions and alerts Licensed Citation 'Global Trade Alert. (2021). Database. Retrieved 01.10.2022 from https://www.globaltradealert.org' -
ICEWS Dataset
Integrated Crisis Early Warning System (ICEWS) Dataverse Licensed CC0 -
Industries Dataset
Industries Dataset Licensed CC0 -
International Organizations Dataset
International Organizations Dataset Licensed CC0 -
IPS Dataset
German company data Licensed © Implisense GmbH, internal only -
Licenses Dataset
Local license graph extending DaliCC knowledge MIT License -
Networks Dataset
German company networks Licensed © Implisense GmbH, internal only -
PDL Dataset
Licensed CC-BY-4.0 by People Data Labs