27 datasets found

Organizations: RADAR Tags: precipitation

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  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: sorghum_s

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Climate indicators: total precipitation in rainy season (rtotrs)

    TechnicalInfo: cdo -yearsum -ifthen -gec,1 RRmask.nc RRmask.nc out.nc Other: Annual precipitation sum in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: soybean_l

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: maize_grain_l

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Rainy days in rainy season (rdrs)

    TechnicalInfo: cdo -yearsum -gec,1 RRmask.nc out.nc Other: Number of rainy days in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rdrs count all days in...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop water need (cwn)

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: maize_sweet_l

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Rainy days (rd)

    TechnicalInfo: cdo -yearsum -gec,1 RR.nc out.nc Other: Number of rainy days: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rd count all days in one year where RRt ≥ 1mm.
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: soybean_s

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: barley_oats_wheat_s

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: maize_grain_s

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: maize_sweet_s

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: barley_oats_wheat_l

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Total precipitation in rainy season (rtotrs)

    TechnicalInfo: cdo -yearsum -ifthen -gec,1 RRmask.nc RRmask.nc out.nc Other: Annual precipitation sum in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Extremely wet days in rainy season (r99prs)

    TechnicalInfo: cdo -yearpctl,99 RRmask.nc out.nc Other: Annual threshold for extreme heavy precipitation in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Landsurf - climate indices for africa

    Abstract: The dataset contains a wide range of climatological and agrometeorological indices of Africa for 1981-2100. The index calculation is based on global and regional...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: sorghum_l

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Crop indicators: millet_l

    Other: Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Landsurf _dss_data

    Abstract: The dataset contains a wide range of climatological, agrometeorological, and remote sensing indices of West Africa for 1981-2100. The climatological and...
  • RADAR (Research Data Repository)


    Climate indicators: dry days (dd)

    TechnicalInfo: cdo -yearsum -ltc,1 RR.nc out.nc Other: Number of dry days: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For dd count all days in one year where RRt < 1mm.
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