SEED: A Simple and Effective 3D DETR in Point Clouds
SEED is a 3D DETR framework for detecting 3D objects from point clouds. It involves a dual query selection module and a deformable grid attention module. -
Multi-label image recognition is a practical and challenging task compared to single-label image classification. -
Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) Challenge
The Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) challenge is a benchmark for object detection and segmentation. -
TUM RGB-D Dataset for RGB-D SLAM
The TUM RGB-D dataset is a large-scale benchmark for RGB-D SLAM. -
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite is a dataset used for object detection and tracking in autonomous vehicles. -
GRAM Road-Traffic Monitoring (GRAM-RTM) video dataset
Vehicle detection in real-time is a challenging and important task. The existing real-time vehicle detection lacks accuracy and speed. Real-time systems must detect and locate... -
PASCAL VOC 2007, 2012
Vehicle detection in real-time is a challenging and important task. The existing real-time vehicle detection lacks accuracy and speed. Real-time systems must detect and locate... -
Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery
Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery -
Scene segmentation in images is a fundamental yet challenging problem in visual content understanding, which is to learn a model to assign every image pixel to a categorical label. -
MSCOCO 2017 is a large-scale object detection dataset. -
Teach-DETR: Better Training DETR with Teachers
Teach-DETR is a novel training scheme to learn better DETR-based detectors from teacher detectors. -
ImageNet-1K and MS COCO
The dataset used in the paper is ImageNet-1K and MS COCO. -
Image COCO
The Image COCO 3 dataset’s image caption annotations, where we sample 4 10,000 sentences as training set and another 10,000 as test set. -
Video instance segmentation task requires classifying, segmenting instances in each frame, and tracking the same instance across frames.