88 datasets found

Tags: Image Dataset

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  • The Yuru-Chara Grand Prix

    The yuru-chara image dataset is a collection of images of yuru-charas, which are mascot characters created by local governments and companies for publicizing information on...
  • ISIC 2017 Skin Lesion Classification Challenge

    The ISIC 2017 Skin Lesion Classification Challenge dataset is a collection of dermoscopy images used for skin lesion classification. The dataset consists of 2,000 images of skin...
  • HaGRID

    A large-scale hand gesture dataset for hand gesture recognition, containing 554,800 images with bounding box and gesture annotations.
  • LAION-2B-en

    The LAION-2B-en dataset contains 100M examples from the LAION-2B-en dataset.
  • ShanghaiTechA and ShanghaiTechB

    ShanghaiTechA and ShanghaiTechB are two crowd counting datasets containing images of crowds.
  • Oxford Flowers

    The dataset used in the paper is a collection of trained networks and their corresponding datasets.
  • Bedroom

    The dataset used in this paper is Bedroom, a dataset of 128 × 128 Bedroom images.
  • Horse

    The dataset used in this paper is Horse, a dataset of 128 × 128 Horse images.
  • Infinite Swiss Roll Dataset

    The dataset used in the experiments is the infinite swiss roll dataset in R2.
  • STL-10 dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is a collection of images from the STL-10 dataset, preprocessed and used for training and evaluation of the proposed diffusion spectral entropy...
  • AirSim car simulator dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is a human demonstration dataset for autonomous vehicles, consisting of images from a center camera.
  • ACDC Dataset

    The ACDC dataset is a large-scale dataset containing images of urban scenes under different weather conditions.
  • Blood Cell Images

    Blood cell image dataset, also known as Blood Cell Count and Detection (BCCD) dataset has been taken from publicly available repository at Kaggle. It is the collection of 12,500...
  • WIDER-Attribute

    Human Attribute Recognition (HAR) is a challenging task due to large variations of body gestures, external occlusions, lighting conditions, image resolutions and blurrinesses.
  • DFID

    The first open-source dental fluorosis image dataset (DFID) is constructed to lay the foundation for deep learning research in dental fluorosis diagnosis.
  • Stable Diffusion Dataset

    The Stable Diffusion dataset contains 100,000 images generated by the Stable Diffusion model.
  • PGGAN Dataset

    The PGGAN dataset contains 100,000 faces generated by the Progressive GAN (PGGAN) model.
  • Diverse Fake Face Dataset (DFFD)

    The Diverse Fake Face Dataset (DFFD) contains various types of real and fake images.
  • JCT-VC Dataset

    A dataset of images and videos for video compression research.
  • Office-Caltech10

    Domain adaptation (DA) aims to transfer discriminative features learned from source domain to target domain. Most of DA methods focus on enhancing feature transferability...
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