36 datasets found

Tags: Recommender Systems

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  • Recommender Systems Dataset

    The dataset consists of data from seven participants whose response times ranged from 4 to 429 seconds. The dataset includes information about the participant, the response...
  • Book-Crossing

    The Book-Crossing dataset is a book rating dataset that contains rating records of books by users from the Book-Crossing community.
  • FB15k-237

    Knowledge graphs (KGs) are collections of facts. Some well-known knowledge graphs include Freebase (Bollacker et al., 2008), Word-Net (Miller, 1995), YAGO (Suchanek et al.,...
  • WN18RR

    Knowledge graphs store a wealth of knowledge from the real world into structured graphs, which consist of collections of triplets, and each triplet (h, r, t) represents that...
  • Douban

    Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction plays a core role in recommender systems, serving as the final-stage filter to rank items for a user. The key to addressing the CTR task is...
  • Flixster

    The Flixster dataset is a collection of user-item interactions.
  • Yahoo! Music

    The Yahoo! Music dataset is a collection of user-item interactions.
  • MovieLens-100K and MovieLens-1M

    MovieLens-100K and MovieLens-1M datasets are used for performance testing of comparative experiments.
  • Inductive Matrix Completion Using Graph Autoencoder

    Matrix completion has been formulated as the link prediction problem on a bipartite user-item graph in recent GNN-based matrix completion methods.
  • MovieLens

    The dataset is a movie review dataset with five types of nodes (movie, director, tag, writer, and user) and four types of edges (movie-director relation, movie-tag relation,...
  • Joint optimization of tree-based index and deep model for recommender systems

    Joint optimization of tree-based index and deep model for recommender systems.
  • Amazon

    The dataset used in the paper is a series of datasets introduced in [46], comprising large corpora of product reviews crawled from Amazon.com. Top-level product categories on...
  • Netflix

    The dataset used in this paper is a large-scale dataset for implicit feedback, consisting of user-item interactions, where each interaction is a pair of a user and an item.
  • Amazon-Book

    The Amazon-Book dataset contains user-item interaction data, which is used to evaluate the performance of recommender systems.
  • Gowalla

    The Gowalla dataset contains user-item interaction data, which is used to evaluate the performance of recommender systems.
  • MovieLens 20M

    The dataset used in this paper is the MovieLens 20M dataset, which contains ratings from 92,032 users on 20,000 movies.
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