Recommender Systems Dataset
The dataset consists of data from seven participants whose response times ranged from 4 to 429 seconds. The dataset includes information about the participant, the response... -
The Book-Crossing dataset is a book rating dataset that contains rating records of books by users from the Book-Crossing community. -
Yahoo! Music
The Yahoo! Music dataset is a collection of user-item interactions. -
MovieLens-100K and MovieLens-1M
MovieLens-100K and MovieLens-1M datasets are used for performance testing of comparative experiments. -
Inductive Matrix Completion Using Graph Autoencoder
Matrix completion has been formulated as the link prediction problem on a bipartite user-item graph in recent GNN-based matrix completion methods. -
Joint optimization of tree-based index and deep model for recommender systems
Joint optimization of tree-based index and deep model for recommender systems. -
The dataset used in the paper is a series of datasets introduced in [46], comprising large corpora of product reviews crawled from Amazon.com. Top-level product categories on... -
The Amazon-Book dataset contains user-item interaction data, which is used to evaluate the performance of recommender systems. -
MovieLens 20M
The dataset used in this paper is the MovieLens 20M dataset, which contains ratings from 92,032 users on 20,000 movies.