COB: Crude Oil Benchmark datasets
Real-world time-series benchmark datasets for crude oil prices with distribution shifts -
Stock Prices Dataset
Hewlett Packard, Yahoo, and Starbucks stock prices dataset. -
Simulated Financial Data
Simulated financial data with an underlying structure, including a mean-reverting time series with an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. -
PhysioNet 2012
The dataset used in this paper for healthcare data democratization and information leakage prevention. -
IVP-VAE: Modeling EHR Time Series with Initial Value Problem Solvers
Continuous-time models such as Neural ODEs and Neural Flows have shown promising results in analyzing irregu- -
Dynamic Time Warping Dataset
A dataset of patient disease trajectories using dynamic time warping -
COVID-19 Cases
The dataset contains the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases from January 22, 2020, to April 7, 2020.