THUMOS Challenge: Action Recognition with a Large Number of Classes
THUMOS Challenge: Action Recognition with a Large Number of Classes. -
Generating human action proposals in untrimmed videos is an important yet challenging task with wide applications. Current methods often suffer from the noisy boundary locations... -
SDU Fall Dataset
The dataset contains videos of people performing normal activities and falls. -
UR Dataset
The dataset contains videos of people performing normal activities and falls. -
Spatio-Temporal Adversarial Learning for Detecting Unseen Falls
The proposed spatio-temporal adversarial learning framework for detecting unseen falls from videos. -
SEWA: A Large-Scale Video Dataset for Affective Computing
The SEWA dataset contains video clips annotated with facial landmarks, valence, and arousal. -
AFEW-VA: A Database for Valence and Arousal Estimation in-the-Wild
The AFEW-VA dataset contains video clips annotated with valence and arousal. -
ActivityNet v1.3
Temporal action proposal generation is an important task, akin to object proposals, temporal action proposals are intended to capture “clips” or temporal intervals in videos... -
UVG dataset
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors tested their model on various signal reconstruction tasks: 1D sinusoidal... -
UCF-Crime and XD-Violence datasets
The UCF-Crime and XD-Violence datasets are used for weakly supervised video anomaly detection. -
ActivityNet v1.2
Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization (WSTAL) aims to localize actions in untrimmed videos with only video-level labels. -
CamVid Dataset
CamVid dataset is a benchmark dataset for semantic segmentation. It consists of 700 images with 11 object classes. -
BDD100K Dataset
BDD100K Dataset is a large-scale dataset for autonomous driving, containing 100,000 images, with 20,000 images for training and 80,000 images for testing.