136 datasets found

Tags: face recognition

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  • CMU MultiPIE

    The CMU MultiPIE dataset is a large collection of face images with multiple attributes.
  • Extended Yale B Database

    The Extended Yale B database consists of 2414 frontal-face images of 38 subjects. Each subject has around 64 images. The images are cropped and normalized to 192 × 168 under...
  • Morph-II

    The Morph-II dataset contains images of faces at different ages.
  • FaceTracer

    The FaceTracer dataset contains a large collection of face images of children.
  • Children Longitudinal Face (CLF)

    The Children Longitudinal Face (CLF) dataset contains 3,682 face images of 919 children, in the age range of 2 to 18 years. Each subject has an average of 4 images acquired over...
  • Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset

    The Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset is collected for the cross-age face retrieval task in (Chen, Chen, and Hsu 2014), and it contains 163446 images from 2000 celebrities.
  • Face Transformer

    Face transformer for recognition.
  • Explainable Face Verification

    Face recognition systems have demonstrated remarkable performances and thus gained a vital role in our daily life. They already surpass human face verification accountability in...
  • Yale-B dataset

    The dataset used for testing the proposed method.
  • 3D Face Model

    A 3D face model for pose and illumination invariant face recognition.
  • IJB-B and IJB-C

    Face recognition using IJB-B and IJB-C datasets.
  • GB-CosFace: Rethinking Softmax-based Face Recognition from the Perspective of...

    Face recognition using global boundary CosFace (GB-CosFace) loss, which aligns the training objective with the testing process of open set classification.

    A benchmark cross-age face recognition dataset.
  • SCAF

    A large cross-age face dataset with age and gender annotations to advance the development of age-invariant face recognition and face age synthesis.
  • LCAF

    A large cross-age face dataset with age and gender annotations to advance the development of age-invariant face recognition and face age synthesis.

    The paper presents a dataset called FERET, which consists of a training set FA with a single face image for each of 1196 subjects, and 4 probe sets with pose, expression,...
  • KinFaceW

    A dataset for face verification in the wild.
  • TSKinFace

    A new face database named TSKinFace (Tri-Subject Kinship Face Database) is constructed to analyze the behavior of the proposed algorithm for tri-subject kinship verification.
  • 300W-LP

    300W-LP dataset is an extension of 300W dataset which is a combination of several datasets, for instance, HELEN, AFW, IBUG, LFPW, etc.
  • NIST FRVT Morph

    The NIST FRVT Morph dataset contains morphed faces for face recognition systems
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