Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persons killed in road accidents by age, sex and category of persons involved
Persons killed in road accidents by age, sex and category of persons involved -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
GERD by sector of performance
GERD by sector of performance -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Turnover in industry - capital goods
The Turnover Index is a business cycle indicator showing the monthly evolution of the market of goods and services in the industrial sector. It also records the evolution of... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persons still experiencing housing difficulties by sex, age and risk of pover...
Persons still experiencing housing difficulties by sex, age and risk of poverty or social exclusion situation -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Employed persons having a second job by sex, age and educational attainment l...
Employed persons having a second job by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Production, value added and employment by industry groups in the environmenta...
Production, value added and employment by industry groups in the environmental goods and services sector -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
EC indices of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (1995 =...
EC indices of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (1995 = 100) - monthly data -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Participation in informal voluntary activities by level of disability (activi...
Participation in informal voluntary activities by level of disability (activity limitation), sex and age -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Gender employment gap by NUTS 2 region
The gender employment gap is defined as the difference between the employment rates of men and women aged 20-64. The employment rate is calculated by dividing the number of... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Net Lending/Borrowing (current and capital account) - quarterly data
Net lending/borrowing of a country corresponds to the sum of total current and capital accounts’ balances in the Balance of Payments. It represents the net resources that the... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in time off work by sex and c...
Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in time off work by sex and country of birth -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
High-tech patent applications to the EPO by priority year by NUTS 3 region (1...
High-tech patent applications to the EPO by priority year by NUTS 3 region (1977-2012) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
FDI flows intensity, market integration
Average of inward and outward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows divided by gross domestic product (GDP). The index measures the intensity of investment integration within... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
House price index (2015 = 100) - annual data
House price index (2015 = 100) - annual data -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persons who receive a pension (thousand)
Persons who receive a pension (thousand) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Landings of fishery products in Denmark
Landings of fishery products in Denmark -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Road cabotage transport performed by each reporting country (tkm) - (1991-1998)
Road cabotage transport performed by each reporting country (tkm) - (1991-1998)