PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Diatom- and biogeochemical composition of the sediment core EN18224-4 from L...
This dataset compiles paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical data from the sediment core EN18224-4, retrieved from Lake Satagay in Nyurbinsky District, Central Yakutia. Included... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Postglacial diatom-climate responses in a small lake in the Pacific Northwest...
Data provided here includes a Holocene diatom and pollen record from Moss Lake, Washington, USA (N 47o 41' 35.7" W 121o 50' 48.6"). Cores from Moss Lake were collected in 2014... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Absolute abundances of palynological organic matter (POM) of sediment core S0...
The palynological organic matter dataset was obtained from the S05B core retrieved in the Mar Piccolo, a semi-enclosed marine basin located in the Central Mediterranean. The...