59 datasets found

Tags: anomaly detection

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  • MIMII dataset

    The MIMII dataset consists of recordings from four different machine types: fans, pumps, slide rails and valves under normal and abnormal operation.
  • Multi-view Multi-label Anomaly Network Traffic Classification based on MLP-Mixe...

    Network traffic classification is the basis of many network security applications and has attracted enough attention in the field of cyberspace security.
  • BrainMRI

    The dataset used for medical image anomaly detection, focusing on few-shot learning and anomaly synthesis.
  • LHC Olympics R&D dataset

    The LHC Olympics R&D dataset, consisting of 106 simulated QCD di-jet events and up to 105 Z (cid:48) q ¯q) events
  • IBRL dataset

    A dataset for anomaly detection in wireless sensor networks, generated by injecting faults into normal data.
  • HPR1000 Reactor Monitoring Parameters

    The dataset used in this paper is a collection of monitoring parameters for a nuclear reactor, including temperature, flow rate, pressure, and level of various components. The...
  • Eyecandies

    The Eyecandies dataset is a novel synthetic dataset comprising ten different categories of candies rendered in a controlled environment.
  • Avenue

    The Avenue data set consists of 16 training videos with a total 15328 frames and 21 test videos with a total of 15324.
  • BUSI

    The BUSI dataset is a collection of ultrasound images depicting normal, benign, and malignant breast cancer cases along with their corresponding segmentation maps.
  • Credit Card

    Time series anomaly detection in finance and healthcare
  • ECG

    Time series anomaly detection in finance and healthcare
  • Power demand

    Time series anomaly detection in finance and healthcare
  • 2d-gesture

    Time series anomaly detection in finance and healthcare
  • ODDS dataset

    The ODDS dataset is a collection of real-world datasets for anomaly detection, including Cardiotocography, Thyroid, and Musk.
  • UCSD Ped2

    A benchmark for anomaly detection in crowded scenes. It contains 19600 frames captured using two different cameras.

    MIMIC-CXR is a comprehensive collection of de-identified Chest X-ray (CXR) data acquired from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, United States. MIMIC-CXR includes...
  • MVTec Anomaly Detection (AD) Dataset

    The MVTec Anomaly Detection (AD) dataset is a comprehensive real-world dataset for unsupervised anomaly detection.
  • Visual Anomaly (VisA) Dataset

    The Visual Anomaly (VisA) dataset is a large-scale industrial anomaly detection dataset containing 10,821 high-resolution color images with 9,621 normal and 1,200 anomalous...
  • MNIST Dataset

    The MNIST dataset (Lecun et al., 1998), which consists of 60,000 gray-scale images of handwritten digits. Each image has an accompanying label in {0, 1,..., 9}, and is stored as...
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