83 datasets found

Tags: Graph Neural Networks

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  • Directional diffusion models for graph representation learning

    Graph representation learning using directional diffusion models

    The ENZYMES dataset contains 600 proteins from each of the 6 Enzyme Commission top-level enzyme classes (EC classes) and the goal was to correctly predict enzyme class...
  • Graph Neural Networks

    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as powerful tools for learning graph-structured data in various domains.
  • Synthetic Graphs

    The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic graph generated using the Stochastic Block Model (SBM) with 10 classes and 100 nodes per class.
  • DukeMTMC-VideoReID

    The video-based person re-identification (ReID) aims to identify the given pedestrian video sequence across multiple non-overlapping cameras.

    The video-based person re-identification (ReID) aims to identify the given pedestrian video sequence across multiple non-overlapping cameras.
  • PRID-2011

    The video-based person re-identification (ReID) aims to identify the given pedestrian video sequence across multiple non-overlapping cameras.
  • MARS

    The video-based person re-identification (ReID) aims to identify the given pedestrian video sequence across multiple non-overlapping cameras.
  • MDD Dataset

    This public dataset was published by Mumtaz et al. It consists of EEG recordings from 34 MDD patients and 30 HCs.
  • OGB

    OGB is a collection of graph datasets.
  • PCQM4M and PCQM4Mv2

    PCQM4M and PCQM4Mv2 are large-scale molecular graph datasets.
  • Benchmarking graph neural networks

    Benchmarking graph neural networks.

    OGB-LSC provides the three large-scale realistic benchmark datasets, covering the core graph ML tasks of node classification, link prediction, and graph regression.
  • Meta-GraphSHS Dataset

    This dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed Meta-GraphSHS model for discovering structural hole spanners in diverse networks.
  • GraphSHS Dataset

    This dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed GraphSHS model for discovering structural hole spanners in large-scale and diverse networks.
  • ogbn-arxiv

    The ogbn-arxiv dataset is a citation network dataset, which is a directed graph, denoting the citation network between all Computer Science (CS) arXiv papers extracted from the...
  • Discrete-Valued Neural Communication

    The dataset used in the paper is a visual reasoning task using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Recurrent Independent Mechanisms (RIMs). The dataset consists of 8 Atari games...
  • XuetangX MOOCs Dataset

    The dataset is a collection of user behavior data from MOOCs, including click history, enrollment behaviors, and video watch history.
  • DynDepNet

    DynDepNet: Learning Time-Varying Dependency Structures from fMRI Data via Dynamic Graph Structure Learning
  • Link Prediction Based on Graph Neural Networks

    Link prediction based on graph neural networks.
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