Multi-atlas labeling beyond the cranial vault
A large annotated medical image dataset for the development and evaluation of segmentation algorithms. -
Synapse Multi-Organ CT
The dataset used for medical image segmentation tasks, including multi-organ segmentation and few-shot learning. -
DRIVE, STARE, and CHASH_DB1 datasets for medical image segmentation
Three medical image segmentation datasets: DRIVE, STARE, and CHASH_DB1. -
Internal Multi-Organ (IMO) dataset
The Internal Multi-Organ (IMO) dataset contains 85 CT-scans annotated with 7 classes. -
TCIA pancreas public dataset
The TCIA pancreas public dataset contains 82 CT-scans with pixel-level annotations. -
U-Transformer: Self and Cross Attention for Medical Image Segmentation
Medical image segmentation remains particularly challenging for complex and low-contrast anatomical structures. In this paper, we introduce the U-Transformer network, which... -
Heart MRI images dataset
Heart MRI images dataset -
The Medical Segmentation Decathlon
The Medical Segmentation Decathlon dataset -
Implementation of a Modified U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation on Edge Devices
Medical image segmentation on edge devices -
Breast UltraSound Images (BUSI) and private Thyroid UltraSound dataset
Breast UltraSound Images (BUSI) and private Thyroid UltraSound dataset used for medical ultrasound segmentation. -
OD/OC segmentation dataset
The dataset used for the OD/OC segmentation task and the polyp segmentation task. -
NIH dataset
The NIH dataset contains 14 different diseases, including pneumonia, and is used for training and testing machine learning models. -
ISIC skin cancer segmentation challenge and lung segmentation dataset
Skin cancer segmentation and lung lesion segmentation datasets -
AbdomenCT-1K dataset is a large-scale dataset of abdominal CT scans, annotated with four anatomical structures: liver, kidney, spleen, and pancreas. -
Synapse Multi-Organ Segmentation
Medical image segmentation dataset -
Axial-MLP dataset for choroid plexus segmentation
A dataset of 141 subjects (44 controls and 97 patients with MS) for automatic segmentation of choroid plexus in multiple sclerosis -
Japan Society of Radiological Technology Dataset
Japan Society of Radiological Technology dataset provides 247 X-ray images of 1024 × 1024 size, containing lung, heart, and clavicle labels.