79 datasets found

Tags: Video Analysis

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  • Avenue

    The Avenue data set consists of 16 training videos with a total 15328 frames and 21 test videos with a total of 15324.
  • FaceForensics++

    Deepfakes have become a critical social problem, and detecting them is of utmost importance. The FaceForensics++ dataset offers fake video datasets. Most of the detection...
  • VIRAT dataset

    A video dataset for frame duplication detection and localization in forged videos
  • YFCC100M

    The dataset used in the paper is YFCC100M, a large-scale video dataset. The dataset is used for foreground and background patch extraction and object recognition tasks.
  • Movies

    Violence detection is a section of general action recognition task which specifically focuses on detecting aggressive human behaviors such as fighting, robbery, rioting, etc.
  • Hockey

    Human activity recognition is a widely investigated problem in the field of computer vision that has diverse applications in human-computer interaction, robotics, surveillance,...
  • RWF-2000

    Automatically detecting violence from surveillance footage is a subset of activity recognition that deserves special attention because of its wide applicability in unmanned...
  • UCF101

    The UCF101 dataset contains 13320 videos distributed in 101 action categories. This dataset is different from the above ones in that it contains mostly coarse sports activities...
  • HMDB51

    Video classification is a fundamental problem in many video-based tasks. Applications such as autonomous driving technology, controlling drones and robots are driving the demand...
  • Kinetics-700

    Kinetics-700 is a large-scale video dataset for human action recognition, with 700 action categories.
  • Charades

    The dataset used for video action classification, consisting of 9.8k training videos, 1.8k validation videos, and 157 classes.
  • AVA

    The dataset used in this paper is a Flickr image dataset, which is used to evaluate the proposed deep aesthetic feature learning framework.
  • Kinetics

    The Kinetics dataset is a large-scale human action dataset, which consists of 400 action classes where each category has more than 400 videos.
  • C3D

    The dataset used in this paper is a collection of videos for various tasks such as video recognition and action recognition.
  • Temporal Action Detection with Structured Segment Networks

    The dataset is used for temporal action detection with structured segment networks.
  • CDC

    The dataset is used for temporal action localization in untrimmed videos.

    The dataset is used for action recognition with a large number of classes.
  • ActivityNet

    Temporal activity detection has drawn increasing interests in both academic and industry communities due to its vast potential applications in security surveillance, behavior...
  • ShanghaiTech

    The ShanghaiTech dataset includes 330 training and 107 test videos recorded at 13 different background locations.
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