Amazon Reviews
The Amazon Reviews dataset is used to predict the usefulness of Amazon reviews using off-the-shelf argumentation mining. -
Yelp reviews polarity dataset
Yelp reviews polarity dataset -
Cnews dataset
The Cnews dataset is a collection of news articles from Sina News, filtered from 2005 to 2011. The dataset contains 10 categories of news, including sports, entertainment, home... -
IMDB Sentiment
The dataset used for training and evaluation of the proposed RRHF paradigm. -
A bus driver who was seriously injured when he was hit by a steam engine is making good progress, his wife has said. -
Text classification problem has long been an interesting research field, the aim of text classification is to develop algorithm to find the categories of given documents. -
Yelp Dataset Challenge
The Yelp dataset challenge contains reviews and images of restaurants, with the goal of recommending images for each review. -
Natural Instructions
The Natural Instructions (NI) dataset used for evaluating the performance of the DEPTH model on natural language understanding tasks. -
Amazon@Beauty and Amazon@Books datasets
The Amazon@Beauty dataset is a collection of product reviews from Amazon.com, and the Amazon@Books dataset is a collection of product reviews from Amazon.com. -
The pushshift reddit dataset
The pushshift reddit dataset -
IMDB dataset
The IMDB dataset is a polarity dataset for sentiment analysis or text classification, it contains 50000 sentences and their binary class labels, being either "Positive" or... -
Uniter dataset
The Uniter dataset is a multimodal learning dataset, which consists of images and corresponding text.