PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and protein content, respiration, symbiodinium d...
Efforts to evaluate the response of coral larvae to global climate change (GCC) and ocean acidification (OA) typically employ short experiments of fixed length, yet it is... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification rate of the corals Oculina pat...
In recent years, some of the ramifications of the ocean acidification problematic derived from the anthropogenic rising of atmospheric CO2 have been widely studied. In... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and reproduction of the two calanoid copepods Ce...
Some planktonic groups suffer negative effects from ocean acidification (OA), although copepods might be less sensitive. We investigated the effect of predicted CO2 levels... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and length, weight, survival rate, metabolic rat...
Carbon dioxide concentrations in the surface ocean are increasing owing to rising CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Higher CO2 levels are predicted to affect essential... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcium carbonate of Padina spp., photosynth...
Predicting the impacts of ocean acidification on coastal ecosystems requires an understanding of the effects on macroalgae and their grazers, as these underpin the ecology of... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and sperm swimming speed of the polychaete Galeo...
The rapidity of ocean acidification intensifies selection pressure for resilient phenotypes, particularly during sensitive early life stages. The scope for selection is greater... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Metabolic costs of larval settlement and metamorphosis in the coral Seriatopo...
We tested the effects of pCO2 on Seriatopora caliendrum recruits over the first 5.3 d of post-settlement existence. In March 2011, 11-20 larvae were settled in glass vials (3.2... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification rates of Porites rus and Hydro...
Central to evaluating the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on coral reefs is understanding how calcification is affected by the dissolution of CO2 in sea water, which causes... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Calcification rate of massive Porites spp. and Porites rus in the experiment ...
This study tested the hypothesis that the response of corals to temperature and pCO2 is consistent between taxa. Juvenile massive Porites spp. and branches of P. rus from the... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and pteropod Limacina helicina antarctica shell ...
Anthropogenic ocean acidification is likely to have negative effects on marine calcifying organisms, such as shelled pteropods, by promoting dissolution of aragonite shells.... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and resource allocation and extracellular acid-b...
Anthropogenic CO2 emission will lead to an increase in seawater pCO2 of up to 80-100 Pa (800-1000 µatm) within this century and to an acidification of the oceans. Green sea... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification rate of cold-water coral Lophe...
Ocean acidity has increased by 30% since preindustrial times due to the uptake of anthropogenic CO2 and is projected to rise by another 120% before 2100 if CO2 emissions... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and clownfish Amphiprion percula size and otholi...
Calcification in many invertebrate species is predicted to decline due to ocean acidification. The potential effects of elevated CO2 and reduced carbonate saturation state on... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and copepod Centropages tenuiremis feeding, filt...
Climate change mediates marine chemical and physical environments and therefore influences marine organisms. While increasing atmospheric CO2 level and associated ocean... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and fish Amphiprion percula behaviour during exp...
Predicted future CO2 levels have been found to alter sensory responses and behaviour of marine fishes. Changes include increased boldness and activity, loss of behavioural... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and Astrangia poculata mass and zooxanthellate d...
The effects of nutrients and pCO2 on zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate colonies of the temperate scleractinian coral Astrangia poculata (Ellis and Solander, 1786) were... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry, mass, size and regenerative capacity of Luidia ...
The present study examines sublethal effects of near-future (year 2100) ocean acidification (OA) on regenerative capacity, biochemical composition, and behavior of the sea star... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry, mortality and hatching rate, size and mass of C...
Due to atmospheric accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in surface seawater increases and the pH decreases. This process known as... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry, length and survival of Inland silverside, Menid...
Absorption of anthropogenic carbon dioxide by the world's oceans is causing mankind's 'other CO2 problem', ocean acidification. Although this process will challenge marine... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and Amphiprion melanopus activity during experim...
Two of the major threats to coral reefs are increasing sea surface temperature and ocean acidification, both of which result from rising concentrations of atmospheric carbon...