PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and chlorophyll a, primary productioin and algal...
A mesocosm experiment was conducted in Wuyuan Bay (Xiamen), China, to investigate the effects of elevated pCO2 on bloom formation by phytoplankton species previously studied in... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and Southern Ocean phytoplankton community chara...
The rise in anthropogenic CO2 and the associated ocean acidification (OA) will change trace metal solubility and speciation, potentially altering Southern Ocean (SO)... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and Arctic phytoplankton blooms and dimethyl sul...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biomarker pigments and phytoplankton communi...
The ongoing rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration is causing rapid increases in seawater pCO2levels. However, little is known about the potential impacts of elevated CO2... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and variation in community development
Ocean acidification represents a pervasive environmental change that is predicted to affect a wide range of species, yet our understanding of the emergent ecosystem impacts is... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and abundance, biomass and growth rate of the ph...
The main goal of this study was to evaluate short-term interactions between increased CO2, UVR and inorganic macronutrients (N, P and Si) on summer phytoplankton assemblages in... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and taxonomic assemblage of fungal communities f...
Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) change ocean chemistry, as dissolved CO2 leads to a reduction in the seawater pH. Many marine taxa have been shown to be affected... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and biomass composition, primary productivity, p...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and mesozooplankton community data of KOSMOS Fin...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seawater carbonate chemistry and ciliate community data of KOSMOS Finland 201...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Distribution and functional traits of polychaetes in a CO2 vent system: winne...
We report on fine taxonomic and functional analyses of polychaetes associated with rocky reefs along a gradient of ocean acidification (OA) at the volcanic CO2 vent system off... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Effect of elevated CO2 on organic matter pools and fluxes in a summer Baltic ...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Shift from coral to macroalgae dominance on a volcanically acidified reef
Rising anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere is accompanied by an increase in oceanic CO2 and a concomitant decline in seawater pH (ref. 1). This phenomenon, known as ocean... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Persistent natural acidification drives major distribution shifts in marine b...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Effects of ocean acidification on Posidonia oceanica epiphytic community and ...
Biological interactions can alter predictions that are based on single-species physiological response. It is known that leaf segments of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica will... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on an intertidal meiobenthic community
In the near future, the marine environment is likely to be subjected to simultaneous increases in temperature and decreased pH. The potential effects of these changes on... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Seaweed fails to prevent ocean acidification impact on foraminifera along a s...
Ocean acidification causes biodiversity loss, alters ecosystems, and may impact food security, as shells of small organisms dissolve easily in corrosive waters. There is a... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Synergistic effects of pCO2 and iron availability on nutrient consumption rat...
Little is known concerning the effect of CO2 on phytoplankton ecophysiological processes under nutrient and trace element-limited conditions, because most CO2 manipulation... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Relative sensitivity of soft-bottom intertidal macrofauna to increased CO2 an...
We used a controlled CO2 perturbation experiment to test hypotheses about changes in diversity, composition and structure of soft-bottom intertidal macrobenthic assemblages,... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Phytoplankton responses and associated carbon cycling during shipboard carbon...
The ongoing oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) is significantly altering the carbonate chemistry of seawater, a phenomenon referred to as ocean acidification....