Deepfakes have become a critical social problem, and detecting them is of utmost importance. The FaceForensics++ dataset offers fake video datasets. Most of the detection... -
Extended Yale-B
The dataset used in the paper is Extended Yale-B, which consists of face images from 38 individuals under 9 poses and 64 illumination conditions. -
WebFace12M dataset
The WebFace12M dataset contains web-scraped, in-the-wild images in RGB format. -
Glint360K dataset
The Glint360K dataset contains web-scraped, in-the-wild images in RGB format. -
WebFace4M dataset
The WebFace4M dataset contains web-scraped, in-the-wild images in RGB format. -
IJB-B and IJB-C datasets
The IJB-B and IJB-C datasets are recognized for increased difficulty compared to the standard benchmarks. -
Morph dataset
The MORPH dataset consists of 35,276 images of 8,835 Caucasian males, 10,941 images of 2,798 Caucasian females, 56,245 images of 8,839 African-American males, and 24,855 images... -
Face recognition in grayscale
State-of-the-art deep CNN face matchers are typically created using extensive training sets of color face images. Our study reveals that such matchers attain virtually identical... -
CelebA Dataset
Model inversion attacks are a type of privacy attack that reconstructs private data used to train a machine learning model, solely by accessing the model. -
Face recognition dataset used for evaluating the efficiency of the proposed Translation Variant Convolution (TVConv) operator.