Crowdsensing-based Road Damage Detection Challenge (CRDDC2022)
Roadway damage data collection using Google Street View and YOLOv7 for automatic road damage detection and classification. -
Open-Set Semi-Supervised Object Detection
Open-Set Semi-Supervised Object Detection aims to leverage the unconstrained unlabeled images to improve an object detector trained with the available labeled data. -
PSDiff: Diffusion Model for Person Search with Iterative and Collaborative Re...
Person Search framework based on the Diffusion model, PSDiff. PSDiff formulates the person search task as a dual denoising process from noisy boxes and ReID embeddings to ground... -
Cars Overhead With Context (COWC) dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the Cars Overhead With Context (COWC) dataset, which contains images of cars in overhead imagery. -
A dataset of images with annotated objects. -
Open Images
The Open Images dataset is a large-scale image dataset with a wide range of images, including but not limited to, street scenes, indoor scenes, and outdoor scenes. -
Market-1501 Dataset
The Market-1501 dataset is a large benchmark for person re-identification. It contains 12,000 images with 1,500 images per person, annotated with bounding boxes and masks for... -
ESD dataset
The ESD dataset offers finetuned weights for the 'car' and 'French-horn' classes. -
French-horn dataset
The French-horn dataset comprises merely 10 identical prompts with different evaluation seeds. -
Pascal VOC 2012
The dataset used in the paper is the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset, which is a benchmark for instance segmentation. The dataset consists of 1464 images with 20 class categories and... -
Object Detection on Streaming Video
The dataset used for object detection on streaming video from the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2015. -
DetNAS: Backbone Search for Object Detection
Object detectors are usually equipped with backbone networks designed for image classification. It might be sub-optimal because of the gap between the tasks of image... -
Hazy-COCO dataset
The Hazy-COCO dataset is a synthetic dataset generated by adding haze to the MS COCO dataset. -
YOLO-Former: YOLO Shakes Hand With ViT
The proposed YOLO-Former method seamlessly integrates the ideas of transformer and YOLOv4 to create a highly accurate and efficient object detection system. -
Berkeley Segmentation Dataset
A database of human segmented natural images and its application to evaluating segmentation algorithms and measuring ecological statistics.