GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Lichtsignalanlagen im Bereich der Stadt Elmshorn
Lichtsignalanlagen im Bereich der Stadt Elmshorn mit Bezeichnung, Nummer und Koordinate Koordinatensystem: EPSG Code 25832 -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Health insurance
This data set includes the locations of health insurance companies in the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock with information on address, designation, operator,... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
B-plan - B 114 (2)
Erhardweg Legally effective since: 17.03.1989 B-Plan - B 114 (2) -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Verleih E-Fahrräder Wuppertal
Der Datensatz umfasst die (Stand 06/2020) 7 Standorte im Wuppertaler Stadtgebiet, an denen Elektro-Fahrräder (Pedelecs) verliehen werden. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen des... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
B-Plan - B 69
Straße Hainholz Rechtswirksam seit: 10.07.1984 Koordinatensystem: EPSG Code 25832 -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Bicycle parking facilities
This dataset covers the locations of the bicycle parking facilities in the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock with information on type, parking spaces, fees and roofing.... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
City parking areas Wuppertal
The data set of the city parking zones Wuppertal (also referred to as city parking areas) includes the boundaries and designations of the three city parking zones in the... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Luminaire switchgear
This data set includes the luminaire switchgear owned by the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock, managed by Stadtwerke Rostock AG, with information on number and... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
B-Plan - B 80 (2v)
Buchenweg (houses with odd house numbers) Legally effective since: 04.11.1994 Coordinate system: EPSG Code 25832 -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Abgrabungen in Betrieb Kreis Kleve
Es werden die Abgrabungen im Kreis Kleve angegeben, die in Betrieb sind. Die Gewinnung von Bodenschätzen (Sand, Kies, Ton oder Lehm) bedarf der Genehmigung. Bei Abgrabungen wird... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Traffic census Bicycle traffic: Locations of cycling counters
This dataset contains the locations of the ten bicycle counters in Münster as a machine-readable GEOJSON file with coordinates in the format “Longitude/Latitude”. -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Ehrenamt (Gesundheit und Sport) Stadt Elmshorn (GDIMRH)
Die verschiedenen Themen des Ehrenamtskatasters sind im Open Data einzeln aufzurufen. Um die bunte und vielfältige lokalen Engagementlandschaft von und für Jung oder Alt, mit... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
2004 Citizenship Election
This data set includes the results of the 2004 Citizenship Election in the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock of 13 June 2004 according to urban areas, the locations of... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Solar potential 2013
This data set includes the roof areas in the Hanseatic and University City of Rostock of 2013 with information on roof type, azimut, inclination, total area in the unit square... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Locations of hospitals
This dataset contains the locations of all hospitals in Münster in various machine-readable formats. Included are the name, the geocoordinates, the address and a link to the... -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
B-plan - B 166
Residential area Bokholter Damm (urban outskirts) Legally effective since: 03.02.2021 Coordinate system: EPSG Code 25832 -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
B-Plan - D 10 (1)
Koppeldamm, Memeler Straße Legally effective since: 03.05.1961 Coordinate system: EPSG Code 25832 -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
B-Plan - B 67 (1v)
Fröbelstraße Legally effective since: 29.09.1976 Coordinate system: EPSG Code 25832 -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
B-plan - B 68
Ramskamp ÜAZ Legally effective since: 15.12.1976 Coordinate system: EPSG Code 25832 -
GovData (Germany's Open Data Portal)
Renovation areas of the city of Elmshorn
Surrounding lines of the redevelopment areas "Krückau Vormstegen, Bahnhofsumfeld und Hainholz" in the area of the city of Elmshorn Coordinate system: EPSG Code 25832