GAN-EM: GAN based EM Learning Framework
GAN-EM: A GAN based EM Learning Framework for image clustering, semi-supervised classification and dimensionality reduction. -
MS-COCO and LAION-Aesthetics
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used MS-COCO and LAION-Aesthetics datasets. -
CIFAR-10, -20, -100, and ImageNet-1k
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used CIFAR-10, -20, -100, and ImageNet-1k datasets. -
Stanford Online Products
The Stanford Online Products (SOP) dataset contains 120,053 product images covering 22,634 categories. The training set is composed of 59,551 images of the first 11,318... -
MNIST Dataset
The MNIST dataset (Lecun et al., 1998), which consists of 60,000 gray-scale images of handwritten digits. Each image has an accompanying label in {0, 1,..., 9}, and is stored as...