MovieLens 1M dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the MovieLens 1M dataset, which contains a 1M 1-5 star ratings by 6,040 users for 3,952 movies. -
Deep Forgetful Novelty-Seeking Model
A Deep, Forgetful Novelty-Seeking Movie Recommender Model -
Netflix Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a Netflix dataset, which is a large-scale matrix factorization problem. -
The MovieLens Datasets
The movielens datasets: History and context. Acm transactions on interactive intelligent systems (tiis), 5(4):1–19, 2015. -
The dataset used in the paper is a user-item bipartite graph, where each user and item is represented as a node, and the edges between them represent the interactions between... -
Netflix Prize
The Netflix Prize dataset is a large-scale movie recommendation dataset. It contains 1000 user-item interaction records, with each record representing a user's rating of a movie. -
MovieLens Boxoffice
The MovieLens Boxoffice dataset is a large-scale movie recommendation dataset. It contains 99326 user-item interaction records, with each record representing a user's rating of... -
MovieLens 20m Light
The MovieLens 20m Light dataset is a large-scale movie recommendation dataset. It contains 20 million user-item interaction records, with each record representing a user's... -
MovieLens dataset
The MovieLens dataset contains questions answerable using Wikidata as the knowledge graph, focusing on questions with a single entity and relation. -
The movielens datasets: History and context
The Movielens-100k dataset is a large-scale movie recommendation dataset. -
Movie dataset
The Movie dataset is a graph dataset constructed from the Movielens-2k dataset. The Movielens-2k dataset contains movies information such as actors, genres, and tags...