17 datasets found

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  • Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier Book One and Two

    Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier Book One (WTC B1) and Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier Book Two (WTC B2) datasets.
  • Million Song Dataset

    Million Song Dataset is a collection of audio features and metadata for a million contemporary pop songs. Instead of storing any audio, the dataset consists of features derived...
  • AudioMNIST dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is the AudioMNIST dataset, which contains 30,000 audio recordings.
  • Distress Analysis Interview Corpus Wizard of Oz dataset (DAIC-WOZ)

    The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus Wizard of Oz dataset (DAIC-WOZ) dataset.
  • Extended Distress Analysis Interview Corpus Wizard of Oz dataset (E-DAIC)

    The Extended Distress Analysis Interview Corpus Wizard of Oz dataset (E-DAIC) corpus presented in the Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge (AVEC) 2019 Challenge.
  • VGGSound

    The VGGSound dataset is a large-scale audio-visual dataset containing 10,000 10-second video clips with corresponding audio files.
  • HuBERT Framework

    The dataset used in this paper is a self-supervised audio pre-training framework called HuBERT.
  • Speech Commands

    The Speech Commands dataset consists of 105809 one-second audio recordings of 35 spoken words sampled at 16kHz. The raw speech commands dataset presents audio recordings as a...
  • AudioCaps

    Audio-text retrieval aims at retrieving a target audio clip or caption from a pool of candidates given a query in another modality.
  • Clotho

    Automated audio captioning is a cross-modal translation task for describing the content of audio clips with natural language sentences.
  • ESC-50

    The dataset used for training the CNN in cough detection is composed of various modified audio clips gathered from open-source online sources. Each of these audio files...
  • Librispeech

    The Librispeech dataset is a large-scale speaker-dependent speech corpus containing 1080 hours of speech, 5600 utterances, and 1000 speakers.
  • LibriLight

    The dataset used in this paper is a large-scale production ASR system, which includes multi-domain (MD) data sets in English. The MD data sets include medium-form (MF) and...

    The CREMA-D dataset is an audio-visual dataset for emotion recognition task, each video in which consists of both facial and acoustic emotional expressions.
  • VoxCeleb

    Speaker verification systems experience significant performance degradation when tasked with short-duration trial recordings. To address this challenge, a multi-scale feature...
  • VCTK

    Voice conversion (VC) is a technique that alters the voice of a source speaker to a target style, such as speaker identity, prosody, and emotion, while keeping the linguistic...
  • LibriTTS

    A popular text-based VC approach is to use an automatic speech recognition (ASR) model to extract phonetic posteriorgram (PPG) as content representation.
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