unarXive 2022
A large-scale scholarly data set with publications' full-text, annotated in-text citations, and links to metadata. -
Houston-large is a citation network dataset. -
CitHepPh Dataset
The CitHepPh dataset is a citation graph of 34,546 papers with 421,578 edges during the period from January 1993 to April 2002. -
Citation Network Dataset
The dataset is used for recommending citations to research papers. It contains paper-paper pairs with citation information. -
WikiCS article citation network
The WikiCS article citation network is a dataset consisting of nodes corresponding to CS articles with edges based on hyperlinks and 10 classes representing different branches... -
The ogbn-arxiv dataset is a citation network dataset, which is a directed graph, denoting the citation network between all Computer Science (CS) arXiv papers extracted from the...