10 datasets found

Formats: JSON Tags: histology

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  • CRC

    The CRC dataset contains images of colorectal cancer histology.
  • BACH

    The BACH dataset contains images of breast cancer histology.
  • Heart Failure

    The dataset is used for digital pathology and contains histology data from various sources.
  • GTEx

    The dataset is used for digital pathology and contains histology data from various sources.
  • CRC-TP

    The dataset used in the paper for colorectal cancer histology, consisting of H&E stained whole slide images (WSIs) of different tissue types.
  • Kather-19

    The dataset used in the paper for colorectal cancer histology, consisting of H&E stained whole slide images (WSIs) of different tissue types.
  • Kather-16

    The dataset used in the paper for colorectal cancer histology, consisting of H&E stained whole slide images (WSIs) of different tissue types.
  • Multi-class texture analysis in colorectal cancer histology

    Multi-class texture analysis in colorectal cancer histology.
  • CRC dataset

    Microscopic examination of tissues or histopathology is one of the diagnostic procedures for detecting colorectal cancer. The pathologist involved in such an examination usually...
  • Allen Human Brain Atlas and BigBrain Initiative

    Two publicly available datasets with histological sections and an ex vivo 3D MRI of the same subject. A 3D similarity transform between the stack of histological sections and...
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