10 datasets found

Formats: JSON Tags: human body

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  • Synthetic FAUST

    The dataset used for shape matching task.

    The dataset used for training and testing the proposed TetraTSDF model for 3D human reconstruction from a single image with a tetrahedral outer shell.
  • NTU-RGB+D 60

    Skeleton-based action recognition has attracted considerable attention due to its compact representation of the human body’s skeletal structure. Many recent methods have...
  • Northwestern-UCLA

    Skeleton-based action recognition has attracted considerable attention due to its compact representation of the human body’s skeletal structure. Many recent methods have...
  • Kinetics-Skeleton

    Skeleton-based action recognition has attracted considerable attention due to its compact representation of the human body’s skeletal structure. Many recent methods have...
  • NTU-RGB+D 120

    Skeleton-based action recognition has attracted considerable attention due to its compact representation of the human body’s skeletal structure. Many recent methods have...
  • STAR

    The dataset used for human correspondence matching with mesh convolutional networks.
  • 3dBodyTex

    The dataset used for human correspondence matching with mesh convolutional networks.

    The dataset FAUST contains 10 different bodies in 10 different poses. The irregular surface meshes have 6890 vertices. The dataset is used to evaluate the reconstruction quality...
  • COCO

    Large scale datasets [18, 17, 27, 6] boosted text conditional image generation quality. However, in some domains it could be difficult to make such datasets and usually it could...
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