A Faster Patch Ordering Method for Image Denoising
The patch ordering method for image denoising uses √n by √n overlapping image patches. -
The dataset used in this paper for contrast estimation and image denoising in cryo-electron microscopy. -
MNIST and Caltech101 Silhouettes
The MNIST dataset is a large dataset of handwritten digits, and the Caltech101 Silhouettes dataset is a dataset of binary silhouettes of objects. -
Real Image Restoration and Enhancement
Real-world image restoration and enhancement -
Urban100 dataset
The Urban100 dataset is a benchmark for image denoising, containing 100 images with varying levels of noise. -
Enhanced Low-Rank Matrix Approximation
This letter proposes to estimate low-rank matrices by formulating a convex optimization problem with non-convex regularization. We employ parameterized non-convex penalty... -
DND dataset
The DND dataset contains ∼1000 pairs of clean and noisy images of consumer cameras. -
SIDD dataset
The SIDD dataset contains ∼1000 pairs of clean and noisy images of smartphone cameras. -
COCO-captions dataset
The COCO-captions dataset contains ∼120k RGB images with text captions. -
AbdomenCT-1K dataset
The AbdomenCT-1K dataset comprises more than 1000 abdominal CT scans aggregated from 6 existing datasets. -
A non-local algorithm for image denoising
A non-local algorithm for image denoising. -
Linear Attention Based Deep Nonlocal Means Filtering for Multiplicative Noise...
Multiplicative noise widely exists in radar images, medical images and other important fields' images. The removal of multiplicative noise can help the application of various...