6 datasets found

Formats: JSON Tags: item recommendation

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  • Beauty

    The Beauty dataset is a product review dataset crawled from Amazon. The data is split into separate datasets by the top-level product category.
  • Anime

    The dataset is a two-mode tensor depicting binary (user, anime) preferences. The tensor contains 1, 300, 160 observed entries, of size 25, 838 × 4, 066.
  • ML-1M

    The dataset used in this paper is a large-scale dataset for implicit feedback, consisting of user-item interactions, where each interaction is a pair of a user and an item.
  • Amazon-Book

    The Amazon-Book dataset contains user-item interaction data, which is used to evaluate the performance of recommender systems.
  • Yelp2018*

    This dataset is used to evaluate the proposed Disentangled Graph Collaborative Filtering (DGCF) model.
  • Gowalla

    The Gowalla dataset contains user-item interaction data, which is used to evaluate the performance of recommender systems.
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