7 datasets found

Formats: JSON Tags: particle physics

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  • Simulation of a cubic detector

    The dataset used in this article is a simulation of a cubic detector composed of a homogeneous plastic scintillator with a size of 2 × 2 × 2 m3.
  • Dimuon resonance search dataset

    The dataset used for testing the β-parameterized VAE for event compression in particle physics experiments.
  • Simulated Standard Model events

    The dataset used for training and testing the β-parameterized Variational Autoencoder (VAE) for event compression in particle physics experiments.
  • Top and QCD Jet Dataset

    The top and QCD jet dataset consists of top quark jet signal and mixed light quark and gluon jet background generated in Pythia 8.2.15 at 14 TeV.
  • Quark and Gluon Jet Dataset

    The quark and gluon jet dataset consists of Z plus jet events at √s = 14 TeV generated using Pythia 8.226 with multiple parton interactions turned on.
  • HEP dataset

    The dataset contains nearly 300,000 simulated responses, each with 44x44 dimension, and includes nine properties for each particle: momentum and velocity in three planes, as...
  • Flavours of Physics: Finding τ → µµµ

    The dataset used in this work were provided by Flavours of Physics: Finding τ → µµµ competition on Kaggle. The dataset is suited for binary-classification with the target labels...
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