5 datasets found

Formats: JSON Tags: real data

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  • CVPPP Leaf Segmentation Challenge

    The dataset is used for image-based plant phenotyping, specifically for leaf instance segmentation. It contains real images of plants with leaf instance segmentation masks.
  • VisDA

    A dataset for the study of domain adaptation solutions, composed of synthetic and real videos from seven gesture classes, from both the ground and air perspectives.
  • Real Data

    The dataset is used to estimate the parameters of a Markov-Modulated Jump-Diļ¬€usion Model (MMJDM) for stock prices.
  • Real dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset containing 122 time series representing the evolution, during a mission, of the altitude of a helicopter.
  • Real Epi-Fluorescence Microscopy Dataset

    The real epi-fluorescence microscopy data used in this paper for deconvolution microscopy.
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