PennML Benchmark Suite
The PennML benchmark suite consists of over 90 regression problems and provides a performance overview of several common regression algorithms. -
YearPredictionMSD Dataset
The dataset used in the paper for hyper-parameter tuning using transient cloud resources. -
Epsilon Dataset
The dataset used in the paper for hyper-parameter tuning using transient cloud resources. -
SARCOS regression dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a SARCOS regression dataset, which contains 44,484 training samples and 4,449 testing samples. -
Multi-Task Learning for Federated Classification and Regression
The proposed algorithm allows personalizing the learning model for each participant without sharing the training data and improves the performance, compared to that of the... -
SyntheticControl Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the SyntheticControl dataset, which contains 300 samples. The authors used this dataset to test the performance of their semi-classical neural... -
UCR Time Series Dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the UCR time series dataset, which contains 43 datasets. The authors used this dataset to test the performance of their semi-classical neural... -
Universal distribution of the coverage in split conformal prediction
The dataset used in the paper is a regression dataset with exchangeable data. -
Housing dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real-world dataset for housing prices. -
Synthetic dataset for regression tasks with corrupted data and heavy-tailed n...
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic dataset for regression tasks with corrupted data and heavy-tailed noise. -
IDRC 2002 Shootout
The shootout dataset is a regression dataset containing information about the reflectance spectra of pharmaceutical tablets. -
Ames Housing dataset
The Ames housing data contains information about houses in the Ames, Iowa neighborhood, including the number of bedrooms, square footage, and other features. -
1-dimensional toy dataset
The 1-dimensional toy dataset is a small dataset of regression tasks, each task represented by a single value. -
Fisher's Iris dataset
Fisher's Iris dataset is a multivariate dataset introduced by Sir Ronald Fisher in his 1936 paper "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems". It contains 150... -
Crash risk prediction model
Crash risk prediction model based on Bayesian logistic regression. -
Regression datasets
The dataset used for regression settings, including Ozone, Machine, MPG, Boston, Student, and Abalone. -
UCI Bank Marketing Dataset (UBMD), Lesion Disease Classification (LDC) and CIF...
The authors used the UCI Bank Marketing Dataset (UBMD), Lesion Disease Classification (LDC) and CIFAR-10 datasets for their experiments. -
Airbnb dataset
The Airbnb dataset is a large dataset containing information about apartments for rent in Chicago. The dataset includes features such as neighborhood, number of beds, amenities,...