MT: Multi-Perspective Feature Learning Network for Scene Text Detection
The proposed method for arbitrary-shaped scene text detection, which can detect adhesive arbitrary-shaped texts with high detection speed and accuracy, even in the case of text... -
The MSRA-TD500 dataset is a benchmark for scene text detection, containing 700 training images and 200 test images, with multi-lingual, arbitrary-oriented and long text lines. -
TotalText: A Comprehensive Dataset for Scene Text Detection and Recognition
The TotalText dataset is a comprehensive dataset for scene text detection and recognition. -
ICDAR 2013
ICDAR 2013 consists of 229 training images and 233 testing images, and similar to ICDAR 2015, it also provides "Strong", "Weak" and "Generic" lexicons for text spotting task.... -
ICDAR 2017 MLT is a large scale multi-lingual text dataset, which includes 7200 training images, 1800 validation images and 9000 testing images. The dataset is composed of... -
Sliding Line Point Regression for Shape Robust Scene Text Detection
Text detection in arbitrary-shape case -
DPText-DETR: Towards Better Scene Text Detection with Dynamic Points in Trans...
This paper proposes a concise Dynamic Point Text DEtection TRansformer network, termed DPText-DETR, for scene text detection. The dataset used in this paper is Total-Text,...