Extended Aff-Wild Database
The Aff-Wild database is extended by collecting videos from YouTube on which the videos have spontaneous facial expressions in the wild, annotating videos with valence and... -
Aff-Wild Database
In the context of Human Computer Interaction(HCI), building an automatic system to recognize affect of human facial expression in real-world condition is very crucial to make... -
SEWA: A Large-Scale Video Dataset for Affective Computing
The SEWA dataset contains video clips annotated with facial landmarks, valence, and arousal. -
AFEW-VA: A Database for Valence and Arousal Estimation in-the-Wild
The AFEW-VA dataset contains video clips annotated with valence and arousal. -
AffectNet: A Database for Facial Expression, Valence, and Arousal Computing i...
The AffectNet dataset contains over a million images of faces annotated with valence and arousal. -
OMG Emotion Behavior Dataset
The OMG Emotion Behavior Dataset is a multimodal emotion recognition dataset, consisting of 178 long videos divided into 2725 short utterances of varying length.