fMRI dataset for auditory neural decoding
The dataset used in the paper is an fMRI dataset obtained during a passive natural language listening task. The dataset comprises fMRI data from 8 subjects recorded while they... -
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) dataset
The Magnetoencephalography (MEG) dataset is a MEG dataset containing brain activity patterns of 3 subjects while they were watching 1200 images of 200 distinct object categories... -
Generic Object Decoding (GOD) dataset
The Generic Object Decoding (GOD) dataset is a fMRI dataset containing brain activity patterns of 5 subjects while they were watching 1200 images of 200 distinct object... -
OpenBMI dataset
The OpenBMI dataset is a large benchmark containing 2 sessions of 2-class MI-EEG data (left hand, right hand) from 54 right-handed healthy subjects. -
EEG-fNIRS dataset for Motor Imagery
The dataset used in the study consists of EEG and fNIRS recordings from 29 healthy subjects performing left and right-hand MI tasks. -
A large and rich EEG dataset for modeling human visual object recognition
A large and rich EEG dataset for modeling human visual object recognition. -
P300-based speller dataset
ERP-based EEG detection gaining increasing attention in the field of brain-computer interfaces. However, due to the complexity of ERP signal components, their low...