4 datasets found

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  • Wikipedia dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is the Wikipedia dataset, which contains over six million English Wikipedia articles with a full-text field associated with 50 training queries...
  • UCF 101

    UCF 101 dataset is a set of 13,320 human activity videos, each belonging to one of 101 different categories.
  • ImageCLEF-DA

    The ImageCLEF-DA dataset is a benchmark dataset for ImageCLEF 2014 domain adaptation challenges, which contains 12 categories shared by three domains: Caltech-256 (C), ImageNet...
  • Shoes

    The dataset used in the paper is the Shoes dataset, which consists of c.50,000 examples of shoes in RGB color, from 4 different categories and over 3000 different subcategories.
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