9 datasets found

Tags: Citation Network

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  • Cora citation network

    The Cora citation network dataset is used to evaluate the performance of graph embedding methods on real-world data.
  • Coauthor Physics

    The Coauthor Physics dataset is a co-authorship graph extracted from the Microsoft Academic Graph, with a focus on Physics research.
  • WebKB

    The dataset used in this paper is a probabilistic logic programming dataset, which is a probabilistic version of the WebKB dataset.

    The citation networks that share some common nodes.
  • CoraFull

    CoraFull is an extension of the prevalent dataset Cora from the entire citation network.
  • ogbn-arxiv

    The ogbn-arxiv dataset is a citation network dataset, which is a directed graph, denoting the citation network between all Computer Science (CS) arXiv papers extracted from the...
  • CORA

    The dataset used in this paper is the CORA citation network, a directed graph with 19,793 vertices and 27,225 edges.
  • ACM

    The dataset used in the paper is a heterogeneous graph, which is a graph that contains multiple types of nodes and edges. The dataset is used for semi-supervised graph learning...
  • Dblp

    Technological intellectual property data is generally composed of complex information like creative entities, resource entities, inter-entity relationships, and entity attributes.
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