E. coli transcriptomes
RNA-seq data from 23 E. coli transcriptomes -
Numerical simulation data
The dataset used in the research paper on stochastic thermodynamic limit on E. coli adaptation by Information geometric approach -
E. coli adaptation model
The dataset used in the research paper on stochastic thermodynamic limit on E. coli adaptation by Information geometric approach -
E. coli glucose pulse response
The dataset used in this paper is a real-world bacterial data set, specifically the response of the bacterium E. coli to a glucose pulse. -
Min system dataset
The Min system dataset is a model of the Min system in E. coli, consisting of two morphogens U and V. -
E. coli population growth rate dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a population growth rate dataset for E. coli, with parameters such as growth rate variability, cell size regulation, and division size...