MSWT for Face Forgery Detection
Face forgery detection using multi-scale wavelet transformer framework -
Detecting masked faces in the wild with lle-cnns
The dataset contains images of faces with masks, used for detecting masked faces in the wild. -
WIDER FACE and FDDB datasets
Face detection dataset for unconstrained settings, including WIDER FACE and FDDB datasets. -
ExDark and DARK FACE datasets
ExDark and DARK FACE datasets for dark object detection and face detection -
Age, Gender, and Race Estimation from Unconstrained Face Images
Face detection and age, gender, and race estimation from unconstrained face images -
Face Detection and Recognition using Viola Jones and BPNN
The dataset used for face detection and recognition using Viola Jones algorithm and Back Propagation Neural Network. -
A Convolutional Neural Network Cascade for Face Detection
The Face Recognition dataset is used for face detection and recognition tasks. -
Dataset for AI-Manipulated Face Detection
The dataset used for experiments, constructed by four categories: face entire synthesis, facial expression manipulation, facial attribute manipulation and identity manipulation. -
WildDeepfake [13] is a challenging real-world dataset for deepfake detection. -
Face R-CNN
Face detection using Faster R-CNN with new multi-task loss function, online hard example mining, and multi-scale training. -
Shape Primitive Histogram: A Novel Low-Level Face Representation for Face Rec...
Human face contains abundant shape features. This fact motivates a lot of impressive shape feature-based face detection and 3D face recognition approaches. -
Wider-Face dataset for face detection -
IMDB dataset
The IMDB dataset is a polarity dataset for sentiment analysis or text classification, it contains 50000 sentences and their binary class labels, being either "Positive" or... -
Celeb-DFv2 dataset for training and testing deepfake detection models -
DeepFakeDetection dataset for training and testing deepfake detection models