7 datasets found

Tags: Flickr

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  • Flickr 30k Dataset

    The Flickr 30k dataset is a large-scale image captioning dataset containing 30,000 images with 30 captions each.
  • DE dataset

    The dataset DE consists of 10,000 Flickr images labeled as public or private by external viewers.
  • DT dataset

    The dataset DT consists of 15,000 Flickr images labeled as public or private by external viewers.
  • Flickr

    The dataset used in the paper is a multi-graph problem, where each graph represents a different network. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the RECS algorithm on...
  • Flickr Group Recommendation Dataset

    The dataset is used for recommending Flickr groups to users. It contains user-group pairs with engagement information.
  • PicAlert Dataset

    This dataset contains Flickr images on various subjects, which are manually labeled as public or private by external viewers.
  • Test dataset

    A dataset of 200 samples with 1283 resolution, generated using VGrain software with a regularity of 0.73 and uniform random orientation
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