KGS 0.5-Komi Games
A dataset of KGS 0.5-komi games, used to train the value network. -
KGS 6.5-Komi Games
A dataset of KGS 6.5-komi games, used to train the value network. -
KGS 7.5-Komi Games
A dataset of KGS 7.5-komi games, used to train the value network. -
Atari 2600 Environment
Four DRL agents were trained on the games MsPacman (simplified to Pac-Man), Space Invaders, Frostbite, and Breakout using the Deep Q-Network (DQN) implementation of the OpenAI... -
OpenAI Gym Environment dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the OpenAI Gym Environment dataset, which consists of various games and environments. -
Atari 2600 games dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the Atari 2600 games dataset, which consists of 50 Atari 2600 games. -
Atari 2600 games
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of state-action pairs generated by a pre-trained RL agent, used to train a self-supervised interpretable network (SSINet) to...