11 datasets found

Tags: Gesture Recognition

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  • IMU2Face

    IMU2Face: Real-time Gesture-driven Facial Reenactment
  • Slovo: Russian Sign Language Dataset

    The Slovo dataset is a video dataset of Russian Sign Language (RSL) containing 20,000 FullHD videos from 194 signers, divided into 1,000 classes of glosses from the RSL without...
  • NinaPro DB4

    The dataset used in this paper for sEMG gesture recognition with a simple model of attention.
  • NinaPro DB5

    The dataset used in this paper for sEMG gesture recognition with a simple model of attention.
  • Cambridge Hand Gesture

    The dataset contains 900 image-sets of 9 gesture classes with large intra-class variations.
  • Chalearn IsoGD

    Motion recognition is a promising direction in computer vision, but the training of video classification models is much harder than images due to insufficient data and...
  • WiFi Gesture Recognition dataset

    The WiFi Gesture Recognition dataset is a non-visual domain adaptation task, where the goal is to adapt a model trained in a source domain to a target domain with different...

    RGB-D action and gesture recognition remains an interesting topic in human-centered scene understanding, primarily due to the multiple granularities and large variation in human...
  • DVSGesture

    The dataset used in the paper is DVSGesture, a dataset of 1,342 instances of 11 hand and arm gestures.
  • NvGesture dataset

    Human gesture recognition has drawn much attention in the area of computer vision. However, the performance of gesture recognition is always influenced by some...
  • Chalearn IsoGD dataset

    Human gesture recognition has drawn much attention in the area of computer vision. However, the performance of gesture recognition is always influenced by some...
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