SSAGCN: Social Soft Attention Graph Convolution Network for Pedestrian Trajec...
Pedestrian trajectory prediction is an important technique of autonomous driving, which has become a research hot-spot in recent years. In order to accurately predict the... -
DeepFake Detection Challenge (DFDC) dataset
The DeepFake Detection Challenge (DFDC) dataset contains over 100,000 videos, including authentic and manipulated content. -
Graph-Regularized Attentive Convolutional Entanglement for Robust DeepFake Vi...
The proposed GRACE method leverages feature entanglement with sparse constraints and a graph convolutional network with graph Laplacian smoothing prior regularization to... -
Graph-based Hardware Trojan Localization
The dataset is used for hardware trojan localization using graph convolutional network. It contains 49 Trojan-infested RTL codes.