Coupled-Space Attacks against Random-Walk-based Anomaly Detection
Random Walks-based Anomaly Detection (RWAD) is commonly used to identify anomalous patterns in various applications. An intriguing characteristic of RWAD is that the input graph... -
Graph-based dataset for network slicing
The dataset used in this paper is a graph-based dataset for network slicing, which captures the dynamics and spatial dependency of traffic in a slice. -
Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing
Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing was defined in SemEval-2014 task 8. -
Second-Order Semantic Dependency Parsing with End-to-End Neural Networks
Semantic dependency parsing aims to iden-tify semantic relationships between words in a sentence that form a graph. -
Graph-based Exercise- and Knowledge-Aware Learning Network for Student Perfor...
Predicting student performance is a fundamental task in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs), by which we can learn about students' knowledge level and provide personalized...